Hey fellow penguins! Billybob and the rest of the CP gang have a new sneak peek for Mission 11! He didn't give a lot of info, of course, but Billybob said Herbert was planning something BIG. I'm not for sure what he's doing, but I hope it doesn't have anything to do with brain-washing! Oh no, and it looks like Rookie's in it, too. I love Rookie, but I hope he doesn't do anything stupid like he did in Mission 10...but the important thing is that the mission comes out at the end of May, which is good new for me because I've been waiting since like November (so that's 5 months!) The mission should be released around the time of the Nintendo DS game, so keep your eyes peeled for clues. If you're not a secret agent, I'd extremely suggest doing so if you're 30 days old or more. Just click on the M at the top of the screen and do the quiz. But you'll need to know a lot about Club Penguin before you do it.
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