Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, but I'm been busy. I got the Herbert's Revenge Nintendo DS game which came out on the 25th. Woo hoo! It was SO awesome! If any one has questions, don't hesistate to ask. I'll be happy to help. Also, if you're a Secret Agent or have received a special postcard, you will be tested by the EPF in the Everyday Phone Facility to see if you have what it takes. You will then receive the new spy gadget, and if you the code from your Herbert's Revenge agent card, then you will receive a spiffy EPF suit, the puffle whistle option (right now you can only call Flare), and 1500 coins, along with the new spy gadget if you didn't already have one. Since the Sport Shop is gone now, the Sports Catalog has been moved to the new Penguin Stadium, where several concession stands have been placed as well. Club Penguin really has been busy at changing the island. :)
can you please tell me the unlock code so i can get the new puffle
I would, but the codes are probably different for each game, to prevent cheating I guess. If they were the same, I would tell u. Sorry!