If you want to learn how to get a bonus gift, go to step number 16 and after.
1. Talk to G about what's going on.
2. Go to Gift Shop and talk to Rookie and Jet Pack Guy. Pick up the corn seeds you find upstairs and downstairs.
3. After you put all the corn seeds in your inventory, you'll get a call from G asking you to come to HQ, but then the signal conks out.
4. After walking to HQ (since your transporter is busted), you'll see the computers going crazy and G tells you the computers are being hacked into. Shortly afterward the infamous image of Herbert P. Bear fills up the monitors.
5. Through the conversation, Herbert tells he's going to blow the agents' identities to all of Club Penguin. After G gets the computers fixed, you go to the Ski Village where Herbert is on a big screen talking.
6. Go to the Lighthouse and get the movie disc under the piano. Then get the cleaning spray rag sitting on a speaker and clean the disc. Go back to the Ski Village and click on the black box on the side of the screen. From there, press the open button and slide in the disc. "Night of the Living Sled" will start playing, but you still hear Herbert.
7. Next, use your wrench and unscrew the bolts on the side box. From there, you must punch in colors in the correct order. When a color or color's position is wrong, there'll be clues to what you've done wrong. The code is different every time, so all I can say is read the instructions given to you. When done, you'll discover the signal is coming from the Mine Shack.
8. Go to the Mine Shack, and when you go to the cornfield, keep following the popcorn until you see a piece of paper and Herbert's footprints. Pick up the piece of paper. Then go OPPOSITE the watering can, then the corn seeds, fertilizer bag, hot sauce bottle, and java bag. Pick up all the pieces of paper, and when you get to the last one, don't forget to pick up the wood next to it.
9. Go back to the huge pile of popcorn you began at. Then go to path WITH the watering can, then corn seeds, fertilizer bag, hot sauce bottle, and java bag. When you get to the river, put the board on it so you can waddle across.
10. You'll then see a ladder. Take on of the corn seeds you found at the Gift Shop and then click on one of the lit torches. When it pops into popcorn, the pieces will hit the handle, allowing you to go up the ladder.
11. Surprise! Then you'll see Herbert on the stolen Gift Shop computer and Klutzy playing with a tiny video game (Astro Barrier, perhaps?) Keep talking with him, and when he starts laughing, unplug the computer. He'll pretend you've defeated him, but then with him being in control of PSA technology, he transports you and a mysterious object to HQ where G and Rookie are.
12. G unveils the object, which appears to be the stolen Gift Shop chair with a popcorn popper and clock attached. Herbert appears on the screen, and hints that he put enough popcorn into it to destroy HQ! While Rookie tries to get the door open and G tries to stop the clock, scroll around and then click on the orange book on the shelf. Something will pop out of the cabinent.
13. This part's tricky. You need to rearrange the colors so that it's the same on each part. It's different every time, so all I can say is read the instructions.
14. When you've finished, the cabinent will open and a female agent (which some of you may recognize as Dot from the Nintendo DS) will pop out and teleport you, G, and Rookie out.
15. In the Ski Village, the Sport Shop EXPLODES popcorn out everywhere! This explains the incident. G gets a phone call from the Director, and you learn that the PSA, since Herbert has much of their data and the HQ is in shambles, will have everything moved to the EPF co-agency, which G vaguely describes. This hints at future adventures for agents.
16. This is how to get a bonus gift (this should be done preferably before or while Herbert is still on the screen.) Talk to the brown penguin who's watching the other two play marbles. He'll start crying because he sat on his glasses.
17. Go to the Lighthouse and pick up the tin can you see.
18. Either go outside to the ocean or HQ. If HQ, go to the Gadget Room, place the can inside the Test Chamber and press the water button. If you're outside, just click on the can and then the ocean. (The ocean is easier to get if you're at the Dock.)
19. After the can has water in it, use the Test Chamber to freeze it over. Then take the ice remaining to Rory who's at the Beacon. After you give him the ice to use as an alternative lens for the telescope, he'll let you take the lens sitting near him. Then take the lens to the brown penguin to fix his glasses. At the end, you'll receive along with your medal a snow globe. If you press the red button on the side, you'll also receive a pair of chic spy goggles.
THANKS for all the FUN and WADDLE ON :)
8 years ago
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